Is there a dissonance occurring within you? Do you feel a tug or slight itch or maybe you feel torn between who the world is telling you who you should be and what you feel is to be true for yourself. 

Given our current situation, you may be experiencing a crossroads. As uncertainty brings about more time to contemplate life, you might be experiencing more struggles in career, relationships, finances, mental and/or physical health.

You are not alone. This is happening as a collective experience and is a subtle whisper for some and an earthquake for others, all bringing about an opportunity to begin listening to your instincts, to the whispers and paying attention to the decisions you make each and every day. 

It is an opportunity to begin the process of purposeful change, of transformation to begin in your life. 

And it begins with asking yourself what matters most to you now and for each and every day moving forward.
“How do you want to spend your future days?”
“What do you want to do with the next phase of your life?”
“Is there more out there than what you are experiencing right this moment?”

The answer is Yes. Yes there is. And it’s yours for the finding when you are ready to answer the call. Committing to a life of purpose takes courage, but when you start paying attention to what fuels your soul and energy, you begin to move in the direction of the life you were intended to live. 



Each moment in life is an opportunity to pay attention with full awareness to what you are thinking, feeling and experiencing in your life. The universe is constantly speaking to each of us; sometimes in whispers, other times sparks while other times might feel like explosions. Each is trying to tell you something and guide you to your next step. 

Every decision, set back or victory has a nugget of truth within it. In order to pay attention and allow for full awareness to arise, we must learn ways to get still and be in the moment. With each opportunity to bring more awareness into the situation, we strengthen our ability to connect at deeper levels to our inner knowing and truth. Each leading you down a path of greater alignment and purpose. 

Ignoring them is an invitation to chaos. Life will keep on giving us opportunities to listen. Each whisper getting louder and louder. Each time giving us a new opportunity to look within.  

As you begin to identify and connect to your inner knowing, it’s important to start asking yourself questions. 
Is this in alignment with my truest self?
Am I being true to me?
Am I living my most authentic self?
Am I doing what I was meant to do with my life?
Am I doing what makes me feel energized, connected and stimulated?
What do I believe to be true about me and my life? 
Do I believe that I am worthy of happiness, success, abundance, fulfillment, peace, joy and love?

Now that you have begun the inquiry within, it is now the opportunity to start believing in new possibilities. Your are not your circumstances. You are your possibilities. If you do not like where your life is currently, you can change it. By believing in a new possibility you will Strat to create a new reality. What you believe is what you will become. So the question is Do you believe in possibilities for your life? Are you limited in what you believe you can do or be? It’s important to understand what you believe, where your beliefs originated and then to question whether these are in alignment with who you really are and who you want to become? 

When we understand that beliefs are thoughts we keep on thinking and thoughts are simply sentences we create in our minds, we start to understand that we can begin thinking different thoughts to create different beliefs. When we learn something it creates a very neural pathway. If we repeat it or add a significant amount of emotion to it, then it becomes more and more unconscious and effortless. 

Can you imagine if you have been thinking the same thoughts over and over since you were a child, how engrained they can get in your mind. Because they are sentences in our mind, we can change any sentences if we do not like them or if they are not benefitting us in our current life. It takes time and practice to create new thoughts and beliefs and possibilities in order to create a new reality of hope, possibility and fulfillment. 

Ask yourself this…
What do you believe? 
What do you want to believe? 
Who do you want to become?

“Passion whispers to you through your feelings, beckoning you toward your highest good.” -Oprah

Once you start asking questions you have a choice. You can choose to ignore the questions and the feelings it ignites or pursue it. And the pursuit is the beginning of the journey of purposeful living. Your purpose, whatever it is, is within you. And the more you tend to it, nurture it and share it with others, the stronger it gets. 

Ask yourself this… 
What would you do if you believed you were 100% worthy of it?
Who are you and what are you meant to bring to this world. 
What is the give you were meant to give?

Once you start believing in possibilities you also believe you have the capacity to live a greater life than you might have ever perceived. You begin to make the conscious choice to see things differently, with a new perspective. With this new way of seeing yourself and others, you bring more love and compassion to the world leading each moment with more love and less fear. 

The adventure does come with resistance and challenges along the way. You must be willing to look at these with awareness, compassion and understanding. By pulling back the layers and understanding the deep unfolding you begin to clear the clutter, guilt, shame, worry, limiting ways and beliefs of the mind in order to allow for inspiration and ideas of our truest potential and purpose to arise. You start believing in the possibilities more than the limitations. You start to let go of the old, limiting you in order to become who you are truly meant to be, the authentic you, your personal potential. You begin to recognize all the things good or bad that have happened in your life as a part of the whole life experience and ways to activate your greatest potential.

It is this time you start asking “what if”questions…
What if you thought this?
What if you tried this?
What if life was happening for you, not to you?
What makes me unique.
What do I really value?
What makes me feel energized, connected and stimulated.

Once your have created the space for more love and less fear, it is time to commit to your course with a clear intention and vision. Whether you want to fulfill a dream, find greater success in your career, give more of yourself to others or repair a broken relationship, you must first ask yourself this…
Why are you doing it?
What is the real intention?
How are you doing it day to day, moment to moment? 
What do you need to think and believe?
How do you want to feel? 
How and what action will you take? 

From here, you start living intentionally following your heart rather than what others are doing or believe to be the “right” way. It’s about what you want to do. It’s trusting the walk, putting one foot in front of the other, committing to your desires and walking through fears as your vision unfolds.

You must continue to make the decision to follow your heart and your intention. Once your intention is fully aligned with what you believe, then it’s about living it.

As you begin to live with this new intention, give yourself space to focus on the next right choice. Whatever is happening in the moment is your path. Be present to it unfolding as this is where the true happiness lives. Allow life to carry you and know that every choice you make is a step in the journey. 

When you feel like your life is being tested and all seems lost, remember to take a pause, get still and listen. You can ask yourself, what is this here to teach me? Your heart will tell you the next intentional step. Everything that is happening to you is intended to help you evolve into who you are meant to become. Life is two steps forward and one step back. Just when you think you have reached the top of the mountain, the truth is, there is just another mountain to climb. Each step a new life lesson. Each path leading you closer to your hearts desire. 

With each path you create deeper purpose as you become all that you can. The more love you are cultivating in your life, the more opportunity you have. The more fear is controlling you, the more limitations you have. When you start and continue down the path leading with your hearts desire and the love within, each moment becomes more purposeful as you step into who you’ve always been, who you’ve always wanted to be and who you were meant to be all along. With this new found awareness you begin to share and contribute your gifts to the world. You start living in alignment to your life’s purpose.

uBwell Studio