Visualizing a Life You Love

Did you know that mentally rehearsing and imagining moments in your life has the same activity in the brain as if you were doing the actual action?

Visualization is the process of using the imagination through pictures or mental imagery to create visions of what we want in our lives. We can also visualize the steps needed to make those visions become real.
If you can imagine it--you can do it. 

Scientists have discovered that when you visualize, you are activating the brain's RAS - Reticular Activating System. This system works to program in goals and desires and begins sorting behavior to help you manifest them. Your body is always working with you!

You can help your RAS know what is important by using visualization daily to keep that program at the forefront of your brain activity and your goals in the forefront of your conscious awareness. This allows many opportunities to meet your goals on many different levels within your body and mind.

Let's start VISUALIZING a life we love.... 

SELF-CARE Action Step:
Sit in a comfortable position and begin allowing your imagination to create a picture of your life, your desires, your dreams.

1.Be specific
Envision with your 5 senses: sight, sound, smell, touch, taste 

2.Be intentional

Why do you want this?

What is your motivation for change?

Who do you need to be to receive this change?

Allow your answers to wash over and settle into the body.

3.Be emotional 

Bring in a sense of gratitude for this change. Feel your goal being reached. 

*Remember- that your mind’s imagination is equal to your doing the action and the limbic system is activated!

4.Be frequent 

Practice visualizing your goals twice a day

uBwell Studio