Positive Affirmations as A Sanity Hack

Positive affirmations are another simple hack to practice and implement into your life. They can bring about great rewards when you use them everyday and allow them to drop into your body. An affirmation is a positive phrase or statement used to challenge negative thoughts and bring about a new sense of ease. 

Affirmations can be used to motivate yourself, encourage positive changes in your life, or boost your self esteem. 

They are particularly helpful if you notice a lot of negative self talk or negative thoughts. Our brains are hard wired to find the "problem" and practicing affirmations is a way to rewire the neurons to support your mind/body connection in releasing anxiety and bringing in a deeper sense of peace. Positive affirmations help replace these subconscious patterns of negative thought with more compassionate thoughts.

Affirmations require regular practice and can be partnered with visualizations. This practice allows us to grow a deeper connection to the self. 

Let's practice...

SELF-CARE Action Step:
To Practice: Write down 3 affirmations each morning to support your day. (**remember: affirmations are written as a deeper truth; as if you have them.)

Here are a few examples:
I am connected to the Earth.
I am a loving and trustworthy friend.
I am a magnet for abundance. I can receive abundance.

uBwell Studio